Kalodata metric deep dive series:

Metric Definition

Share ratio, or share-to-view ratio, is calculated as # of shares / # of views. You should be able to find these two metrics for each of your videos either on the video sidebar, or in TikTok analytics.

TikTok share count - kalodata
Number of shares

Metric Interpretation – TikTok Share Ratio

This metric tells you have many people who watched your video would like to share your video to a friend. A high ratio means usually indicates high quality content, as it indicates that the video is entertaining, educational, creative, or viral.

It is also one of the essential metrics for the recommendation algorithm.

The rule of thumb is:

  • You want the comment-to-view ratio to be above 0.004, or 0.4%

If it drops below 0.4%, there’s room for improvement.

Optimization – TikTok Share Ratio

Increase Content Value

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Videos of great informational value is more shareable.

Unlike videos aimed solely at garnering Likes, the content you create should have a broader appeal, resonating not just with the viewer, but with a wider audience. Consider the type of content that your parents might share, like posts on the negative effects of staying up late or indulging in junk food.

By crafting informative and engaging TikTok videos, you’ll increase their shareability and reach a broader audience, making your content more impactful and effective.

Increase Content Gimmick

Think back to those chain emails we used to get. You know, the ones that said you’d have good luck if you forwarded them or bad luck if you didn’t.

They might have been annoying, but they showed us something important: people love sharing stuff with a gimmick. Now, in the TikTok age, where viral videos are the big thing, that lesson still holds true. Simply put, if there’s a gimmick, people are more likely to share it.

On TikTok, going viral is like hitting the internet jackpot. People want their videos to grab everyone’s attention and land on the For You Page. While there’s no surefire way to go viral, one thing’s certain: using gimmicks helps a lot.

Keep it up to Date

Think of news as something with an expiration date.

Just like a newspaper gets old, TikTok videos lose their appeal if they’re not current and fresh. In today’s hyper-speed world of TikTok, where trends come and go in a flash, the secret to getting your content shared is to keep it up-to-date.

Social media platforms like TikTok thrive on what’s happening now. Users are hungry for the latest trends, challenges, and memes. They’re looking for content that resonates with the current moment. Think of it as being in the right place at the right time. When your TikTok video reflects what’s hot and trendy, it’s more likely to grab the attention of viewers.

Stay tuned for more TikTok data analytics with kalodata.com. More previous post can be found.

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