Kalodata metric deep dive series:

Let’s continue our discussion on using metrics to gain insights into our accounts.

Metric Definition

Comment-to-view ratio, which is (# of comments/# of views). You can find these two numbers for each of your videos.

TikTok view count for Comment-to-View ratio
# of views
TikTok comment count for Comment-to-View ratio
f# 0f comments

You can also find these numbers in your Video analysis.

Metric Interpretation

This metric tells you have many people who watched your video would like to express their feelings or opinion. A high ratio means usually indicates high content quality, as it inspires discussion and increases engagement. It is also one of the essential metrics for the recommendation algorithm.

The rule of thumb is:

  • You want the comment-to-view ratio to be above 0.005, or 0.5%

If it drops below 0.5%, there’s room for improvement.


Leading questions

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

You can ask questions for your audience. Let them:

  • choose sides (“cats or dogs”)
  • share their own experience (“what’s the scaries birthday story?”)
  • trivia challenges (“where was the first Pizzahut?”)
  • predict the future (“who’s the next MVP?”)

Provide emotional value

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Certain types of leisurely videos, such as those featuring beautiful scenery, offer a great way for people to unwind and relax. Occasionally, people watch videos not primarily for informative content, but for the emotional comfort and connection they provide. They are more likely to share their feelings if it touches their heart.

When you’re planning the script for your videos, it’s important to take into account the emotions of your intended audience. For instance, if your content is aimed at a younger demographic, it can effectively convey some of the challenges and pressures faced by today’s youth.

Spark controversy

Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

Adding a touch of controversy can be a smart way to get people talking and engaged in meaningful discussions.

Controversial topics or ideas often grab people’s attention and lead to lively conversations. When we include controversial elements in our discussions or content, it challenges the norm, encourages critical thinking, and prompts people to share their thoughts and perspectives.

However, it’s important to use this approach thoughtfully, making sure the controversy is relevant and respectful. The aim isn’t to create conflict but to encourage productive conversations that help us better understand different viewpoints. When done right, a bit of controversy can kickstart deeper exploration and a more comprehensive understanding of various ideas.

Stay tuned for more TikTok data analytics with kalodata.com. More previous post.

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