Using data analytics is crucial for understanding our current operations and making informed decisions for the future. Let’s begin by exploring how these TikTok metrics can help us gain insights into our accounts.

Metric Definition

The first metric that we want to pay attention to is like-to-follower ratio, which is (# of likes/# of followers). You can find these two numbers on your profile.

TikTok metric definition of like-to-follower ratio

Metric Interpretation

This metric tells you have many Likes come from your Followers. Put in another way, how likely are people who enjoy your content stay and follow.

The rule of thumb is:

  • If the ratio is below 5, the follower base can be considered as sticky and fine-tuned;
  • If the ratio is far above 5, for example 20, then it might indicate that people who watch your videos come and go.


There are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Focus your target audience

Photo by M ACCELERATOR on Unsplash

Having an audience base that is focused is important for your follower stickiness, that is, people will like to keep watching you.

If an account known for sharing food suddenly posts a makeup video, it could confuse its existing foodie audience, and those randomly discovering the video might also be misled. Consistency is vital in managing audience expectations and keeping them engaged.

News accounts often have a high Like-to-Follower ratio or low follower retention because people are typically interested in specific events. However, due to the nature of news reporting, these events may not recur in the short term.

Keep updating

Photo by Reuben Juarez on Unsplash

It is very important to regularly update your content to keep your audience engaged.

In our fast-paced modern society, people have short attention spans. TikTok, in particular, operates like a fast-food delivery system for content — quick and transient. Content here often doesn’t stick in people’s minds for long. If you take a break from posting, people are likely to forget about you. So, staying active is essential to remain visible and engaged on this platform.

Stay tuned for more TikTok metrics with More TikTok analyses here.

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