How long does it take for a TikTok shop to hit some early wins from scratch? It might be faster than you think.
In this blog post, we will look at some case studies of fast-earning shops and try to break down their secrets. These strategies can help you go from zero (“how do I go live?”) to hero (“how do I go big?”) without having to be a total creative genius or supply chain whiz.
3 Steps to Kickstart your Shop
Multi-Channel Approach
Having multiple accounts is a key to achieving breakthroughs.
It’s recommended to register several small store and upload a plethora of products. While policies have some limitations on multiple stores, you can explore leveraging various influencer accounts to drive significant traffic to your stores. One creator can promote multiple stores; the restrictions are relatively lenient.
Inventory Tests
Selecting the right products is a crucial step in generating orders. You can utilize TikTok data analysis tools (eg. kalodata) to assist in the initial product selection and stocking process.
In the early stages, it’s recommended to test with a variety of products. This helps streamline the entire process. Once you’ve developed efficient SOPs and identified potential bestsellers, you can focus on the flagship products.
When selecting products, prioritize those with robust supply chains and logistics. Clearly define the selling points of the products and assess the capabilities of the supply chain.
Use Affiliates
Alliance marketing is an essential step in TikTok e-commerce.
Through precise alliance marketing, you can scale your profit by distributing transaction volumes across different accounts or influencers.
By using tools like kalodata, you can closely monitor the status of competitors, collect and expand influencer channels. Develop influencer management strategies, send targeted invitations, and rank them based on their historical data.
For influencers of different size, formulate distinct approaches, such as offering free samples, high commissions, or promotional fees, to entice them to promote your products.
Let’s look at a case study to apply these principles.
Case Study

Let’s assume I’m a perfume seller and I want to learn how to run a persume shop.
Go to the Shop page in kalodata, then apply these filters:
- Category: Perfume
- Time window: past 7 days
- Revenue: above $1000. This is the total revenue of the shop over the time period.
- Unit Price: above $10. This is the average price of the products in the shop.
- Seller Type: Retailer. This means that the shop is not a brand.
This is the set of condition that I want to match my shop to. Submit and it returns a list of 21 shops. Check each of them one by one.

Take the TikTok shop Lanso as an example. Click into the shop detail page to find its performances for the past 7 days.

Under Sales Strategy, we can see that the half of their sales came from their self-accounts, while the others come from affiliates.
The self-accounts only did Lives. The accounts that streamed their products certainly are not giants, with follower counts at around 3k. A reasonable number for newcomers to achieve.
For the affiliates, we see that they are using some of the bigger creators to help. If we want to learn more about these creators, we can click on their profile pics to get to their creator detail pages, where we can find their sales performances, and contact info, in case that we want to work with them as well. Usually these top 10 creators are proven by the market and have strong skills in sales.

Further down we can see the Product Strategy. Here we learn what products are leading in sales, and what the price ranges are. It helps us to decide whether we are overcharging or undercharging our products, and tells us (at least partly) how pricing affects sales quantities.
So, there you have it — your ultimate roadmap to kickstart your TikTok shop adventure!
With these 3 steps at your disposal, you’re basically all set to leap into the world of TikTok commerce. Remember to be patient. Always fine rune your strategy and learn about what’s happening around you. Happy selling!
If you’re interested in kalodata and TikTok ecommerce, check out our next post here.