After going through hundreds of TikTok Live recordings on, here are 3 easy tricks to get closer to your audience when you’re live on TikTok:

Make an honest mistake (on purpose)

Mistakes can actually make you seem more human. People find it easier to connect and empathize when they see you’re not perfect.

You can even plan some of these “accidents” on camera. For instance, if you’re selling nail charms and you’re scooping them up in front of the camera and packaging orders live, you could accidentally pack in some extra ones. Sometimes the viewers might catch it and remind you, which gives you a chance to chat with them and be generous like, “Oops, my bad! Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll pay more attention next time.”

It’s a fun way to interact with your audience.

tiktok live screenshot - kalodata

Be on the same team with your audience

Think of the streamer as the salesperson in a live show. You’re right there with the audience. Make it clear that you’re on their team. You understand their feelings and provide what they’re looking for.

A cool way to do this is by creating a boss character. This boss could be someone you playfully complain about during the stream. You could even bring them on camera briefly. When they go away, it’s your chance to give away some free stuff or do a quick promotion. This makes you more relatable to your audience and brings you closer to them.

Be personal

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

People prefer talking to real humans instead of robots. As AI becomes more common, it’s even more important to show your personal side.

You can share some of your stories, like fun facts about your job or interesting things that happened with customers. You could also talk about yourself, like why you started streaming or a funny thing from when you were a kid. This helps people see you as a rounded person and builds trust.

If you’re interested in learning more about TikTok live, ecommerce, or kalodata, read more here.

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