The holiday shopping season is right around the corner. And for most retailers, the biggest event is Black Friday – the massive sales extravaganza after Thanksgiving.

In 2021, consumers spent over $9 billion online on Black Friday alone! For ecommerce stores, it represents a huge opportunity for profits. But you need an effective Black Friday marketing strategy in place to fully capitalize.

This complete guide will walk you through how to make this Black Friday your most successful ever. Follow these pro tips to drive major revenue to your ecommerce store when shoppers are ready to spend big.

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday refers to the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving in the United States. It marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. Retailers offer major discounts on products across categories like electronics, apparel, toys, appliances, and more.

The term “Black Friday” comes from the notion that strong sales on the day can push retailers’ balance sheets “into the black” or profitability for the year. It has grown to become the biggest annual shopping day in the U.S. Last year, 172 million Americans shopped online or in stores over Thanksgiving weekend.

For ecommerce brands, Black Friday represents a huge influx of web traffic ready to purchase. With the right preparations, you can significantly boost sales during this peak buying period.

Black Friday

Why You Need a Black Friday Marketing Strategy

Simply running discounts on Black Friday isn’t enough anymore. With so much competition, you need a strategic marketing plan to stand out. Those who only rely on last-minute promotions often get disappointing results.

Here are some key reasons you need to start planning your Black Friday promotions early:

  • Meet heightened customer demand – Be ready for a big spike in traffic and sales. Having ample inventory and staff will ensure you can satisfy customers.
  • Beat the competition – Most brands run Black Friday deals, so creative marketing is key to get noticed.
  • Maximize profits – More sales volume coupled with carefully planned promotions means major revenue.
  • Acquire new customers – Hook shoppers when they’re excited to spend, and they’ll likely return later.
  • Reduce stress – With meticulous preparation, you won’t have to scramble at the last minute.

Follow this guide’s tips to develop a smoother, more profitable Black Friday than ever before.

sales strategy

How to Prepare for Black Friday Months in Advance

Careful planning starting months before Black Friday is crucial. Here are pro tips for early preparations:

Do a Website Performance Audit

Your website needs to be primed to handle heavy Black Friday traffic. Test site speed and assess if your hosting can support traffic spikes. Upgrade to more robust hosting if needed.

Review Your Inventory Management

Evaluate historical sales data to forecast demand. Order adequate inventory of your top-selling items and holiday bestsellers well in advance. Set up effective warehouse management to ship a high volume of orders quickly.

Assess Customer Service Capabilities

Your support team will need to handle increased inquiries leading up to Black Friday. Hire seasonal help and use support automation tools as needed. Make sure staffers are trained on promotional details. Offer extended customer service hours on Black Friday.

Plan Deals and Discounts

Decide which items will be discounted and by how much in advance. Include bundled offers and flash sales to create excitement. Outline all promos in an editorial calendar for easy internal coordination.

Develop a Marketing Calendar

Schedule all your promotional emails, social posts, blog content and ads centered around Black Friday. Include key dates, deadlines and details to keep the team organized.

Crafting a Winning Black Friday Marketing Strategy

Your overarching marketing strategy will drive traffic and sales on Black Friday. Follow these best practices when developing your holiday promotions.

Start Early Teasing Deals

Begin building excitement for Black Fridaysales weeks ahead of time. Give sneak peeks of upcoming deals and discounted products on social media and in emails. Share savings opportunity reminders leading up to the big day.

Offer Tiered Discounts

Structure promotions to incentivize larger purchases:

  • Spend $50, get 10% off
  • Spend $75, get 15% off
  • Spend $100, get 20% off

Offer site-wide discounts along with extra savings on certain brands or products.

Host Special Events

Drive urgency with limited-time promotions:

  • Flash sales during specific hours
  • Lightning deals while supplies last
  • Coupon code drops announced on social media

Reward Loyal Customers

Offer exclusive early access to deals, extra discounts, or free gifts to your VIP customers. Make loyal shoppers feel valued so they spend more.

Partner With Influencers

Collaborate with nano or micro-influencers to promote your Black Friday deals to their engaged audiences. Offer promo codes tied to influencers.

Driving Traffic With Social Media Marketing

Social media will likely be the top source of traffic to your website on Black Friday. Here’s how to maximize it:

Create Teaser Content

Post behind-the-scenes footage and photos from your warehouse or stores showing Black Friday prep. Build curiosity by announcing deals are coming soon.

Preview Top Deals

Share sneak peeks of the specific products that will be discounted to get people excited.

Run Countdown Timers

Post evergreen countdowns showing time remaining until Black Friday for sense of urgency.


Broadcast LIVE videos on Black Friday morning to showcase the excitement. Give real-time exclusive deal reveals.

Use Hashtags

Post with hashtags like #BlackFriday, #BlackFridayDeals and #BlackFridaySale to tap into shoppers browsing these tags.

Run Social Ads

Create Black Friday-specific social ads spotlighting deals. Target them to past customers and lookalike audiences.

social media

Driving Opens and Clicks with Email Marketing

Email is crucial for promoting Black Friday directly to your customers. Use these tips:

Send Early Teasers

Send “Black Friday is Coming!” emails in October/November to start momentum. Include a general savings reminder and timestamp for future emails.

Send Preview Emails

Send emails highlighting specific upcoming deals and products 1-2 weeks before Black Friday. Help people plan their purchases.

Promote Site-Wide Discounts

Send emails promoting any discounts off entire orders or dollar-off promo codes. Countdown clocks build urgency.

Offer Exclusive Early Access

Send your VIPs special pre-sale access to shop deals before the public. They’ll feel valued and buy more.

Share Gift Guides

Curate emails with gift ideas based on your bestsellers, new arrivals, and Black Friday deals tailored to him/her.

Follow Up After Black Friday

Send thank you emails recapping Cyber Weekend results. Include a final call to action to keep momentum going.

email directing market

Optimizing for Black Friday SEO

SEO is crucial for surfacing your Black Friday deals in search and driving organic traffic. Here are some best practices:

Update Site Architecture

Create dedicated Black Friday category pages and deal pages to optimize. Use keyword-optimized URLs like /black-friday-deals.

Create Optimized Landing Pages

Build dedicated landing pages for Black Friday categories and specific product promotions. Optimize for related keywords.

Update Content

Add relevant keywords to product titles, descriptions and image filenames. Create blog posts about Black Friday preparation and deals.

Speed Up Page Speed

Test and improve website speed to handle more organic traffic. Leverage caching and compression tools.

Refresh Link Building

Earn links from commercial pages listing Black Friday deals. Reach out to affiliated sites to request deal mentions.

Monitor Rankings

Check keyword rankings routinely leading up to Black Friday. Identify opportunities to improve pages and capture more traffic.

Getting Noticed With Paid Ads

Paid search and display ads are a quick way to get your Black Friday deals in front of motivated shoppers.

Create Dedicated Campaigns

Set up separate ads and ad groups for Black Friday. Target keywords like “Black Friday [product] deals”. Set higher bids to gain top visibility.

Retarget Shoppers

Remarket to people who viewed specific products or category pages with ads featuring applicable Black Friday deals.

Develop Email Retargeting Ads

Place ads promoting Black Friday discounts on other sites after people hit “unsubscribe” in your emails. Win them back.

Make Ads Urgent

Use language like “24 hour sale!” and “Ends tonight”. Include countdown timers and calls-to-action like “Shop now”.

Bid Up For Keywords

Increase bids on your most important keywords during peak days like Black Friday weekend. Budget appropriately.

Tracking Performance and Results

Measuring your Black Friday results is key to assess what worked well to apply next year.

Set Up Tracking Codes

Install separate UTM tracking codes for each marketing channel, special promotion, email, and social media campaign.

Monitor Web Analytics

Check Google Analytics routinely over Black Friday weekend. Review top landing pages, traffic sources, conversions and sales.

Assess Email Performance

Check email analytics for open, click-through and conversion rates. Identify your most effective promotional emails.

Review Social Media

Analyze social media metrics like reach, engagement, clicks, and post-save actions for your Black Friday content.

Calculate Revenue Impact

Compare Black Friday sales, traffic and conversions vs. previous years and months. Identify growth and ROI.

Identify Top Products

See which discounted products drove the most sales. Use this to inform deals and inventory for next year.

Key Takeaways for Black Friday Success

Here are the most crucial tactics to ensure your ecommerce store has its best Black Friday yet:

  • Start planning and deal preparation early – months in advance.
  • Audit your site performance and tech stack to handle heavy traffic.
  • Order top-selling and discounted products well ahead of time.
  • Develop creative, tiered discount and bundling strategies.
  • Build buzz via social media content, influencer collaborations and early emails.
  • Drive sales with limited-time flash deals and special events.
  • Provide early access and special offers for loyal customers.
  • Make dedicated landing pages and ads for Black Friday promotions.
  • Closely track performance of all marketing efforts.
  • Identify your top performers to refine your approach for 2023.

Use this guide to start preparing your Black Friday marketing strategy today. Follow these tips for your most profitable Black Friday season ever. Happy selling!

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